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[CQ-Contest] Re: [WRTC2002 0058] USA - WRTC Past Performances

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [WRTC2002 0058] USA - WRTC Past Performances
From: otterstad@enter.vg (ragnar otterstad)
Date: Thu May 17 09:24:02 2001
KU8E said:
Here is something else I put together. There are lots of deserving
guys who haven't had a chance to go to a WRTC. Check out this list
of calls who have never paricipated in a WRTC and how many top ten
finishes they have had in ARRL DX and in SS since 1997. K3ZO stands out
as some one who is very deserving of a spot based on his top ten
finishes in ARRL DX. He has been in the top ten on BOTH CW and SSB
every year since 1997 !!!

 I think Fred does not need WRTC !  We all know his capabilities !


Ragnar Otterstad " RAG"  LA5HE Also JW5HE OZ8RO.

Located in Telemark - Home of Skiing.
Try http://www.visitTelemark.com

Collector of W.W.2 military radios with focus on German and Resistance
 agent) sets, and old crypto equipment - all periods. Always interested in
new acquisitions.

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