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[CQ-Contest] RTTY WPX and NA Sprint CW this weekend

Subject: [CQ-Contest] RTTY WPX and NA Sprint CW this weekend
From: k4ik@subich.com (Joe Subich, K4IK)
Date: Fri Feb 8 13:31:04 2002

> How old is the CQ/RJ RTTY Contest and why hasn't this issue
> come up before?

The RTTY Journal web site shows results for RTTY WPX going 
back to 1995.  I don't know when it started ... that time 
was while I was moving around a lot and generally off the 

A look at the calendar shows there would probably not have 
been a conflict in 1997 and 1998 (second UTC Sunday would 
have been in the first full weekend).  

The smart thing would be to exchange weekends between the 
phone and CW sprints.  Moving RTTY WPX to the first weekend 
of February would conflict with the XE International RTTY 
contest and moving it to the third weekend of February would 
conflict with ARRL DX CW. 

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