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[CQ-Contest] Geochron

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Geochron
From: btippett@alum.mit.edu (Bill Tippett)
Date: Tue Aug 13 12:11:17 2002
Hi Pete!

        I think Ham Radio carries them for about $1000.  Before
spending that, you might consider their software version called
World Watch which lists for $50.  http://www.geochronusa.com/

        Depending on what you want to do, there are better
software programs available IMHO.  I use one called DX-Aid 
which costs $25...see some plots here:


                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

>From Ward Silver" <hwardsil@centurytel.net  Tue Aug 13 17:10:27 2002
From: Ward Silver" <hwardsil@centurytel.net (Ward Silver)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] DX Phone Writeup - Your Input Needed!
Message-ID: <037001c242e3$f0937440$27d7fea9@mirage>

Hi all,

I'm writing up the ARRL DX Phone contest reports for both QST and the =
ARRL Web site. I'm looking for stories, scores, tall tales, photographs, =
and interesting tidbits from the contest. =20

DX perspectives have been under-represented in the past, so with the =
expanded coverage available on the Web I'd like to feature more material =
from outside NA.

I am also open to good ideas for the writeups in general - is there a =
topic that should be covered or a new perspective?  On the Web site, we =
can also publish some sidebar-style digressions that tackle a small =
topic in-depth...authors welcome!

Please send your suggestions or material to n0ax@arrl.net!

73, Ward N0AX =20

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