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[CQ-Contest] Harrassment?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Harrassment?
From: K4BEV@aol.com (K4BEV@aol.com)
Date: Tue Nov 19 08:21:21 2002
This weekend, on 80, 2 guys were on either side of me playing dueling 
I'd been CQing for about 2 minutes without a call. I said, "I was about to 
leave the frequency, but now I'm staying." They left.
Several times while CQn (not this weekend though) I've had someone keying up 
right on top of me. No matter how loud they are I ask the next guy I work if 
he can hear it.
I then tell him, I can kinda of hear something, but it's not very loud here. 
The idiots leave EVERY TIME.
In NAQP SSB some lid was playing We Are The Champions on my run freq.
When he let up I said - Thanks pal, I love Queen. He left.

If they don't think that they're getting under your skin they'll go find 
something else to do, or someone else to bother.

73 de Don - K4BEV

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