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[CQ-Contest] WPX what should I do?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] WPX what should I do?
From: aa4nu@ix.netcom.com (Billy Cox)
Date: Thu Apr 3 10:20:27 2003
Here's how I would respond ... 73 de Billy AA4NU


Dear Mystery Op, my ham friend,

First, thanks so much for taking the time to 
operate this contest and your effort to QSO 
me in this contest.

I hope to work you again and again in
future contests across the pond and
on several bands and modes!

Second, one of the things that really makes 
these contests so much fun, are the challenges 
that may arise in the "heat of the battle". 

Sadly it seems as one of those has occurred 
there with the log for your station in this contest.
And yes, we all go through this from time to time.

Third, You know something that I have learned,
and suspect you may agree with me on this is 
that the enjoyment of the effort is directly related 
to how well each op follows the stated rules 
and guidelines for each contest. 

Doing so provides all of us with the maximum 
possible enjoyment and requires integrity from 
each of us to follow the rules.

Fourth, having now shared the above, I
really feel it would not be fair to you, me,
or the others who operated this contest
together with us, to answer those questions
that you inquired about in your email to me.

I certainly hope you understand and I look
forward to logging you again very soon in
a future contest, perhaps in the upcoming IARU?

Seasons greetings to you and yours from
my QTH here to yours there in DX-land.

73 My Name Here, My Call Here ...
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