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Re: [CQ-Contest] new to contesting

To: "Hanlon, Steve" <SHanlon@dnr.state.md.us>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] new to contesting
From: Zack Widup <w9sz@prairienet.org>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 08:51:57 -0600 (CST)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Welcome to ham radio and contesting, Steve!

You can participate in the VHF contests as a Tech.  Depending on where you
are, they can be very slow-paced, but still a lot of fun. My favorite
entry category is "QRP-portable" (technically, now called "Single-Op
Portable"). A few times a year I manage to cram equipment for 9 or 10
bands into a Toyota Corolla and go to a hilltop to set it all up and
operate in these VHF/UHF contests. Being limited to 10 watts, I'm
definitely a "little pistol" but I have won my section a few times in that

Note that you can use an FM radio for the VHF contests on simplex
frequencies but you'll get the most out them with an SSB/CW rig and a
horizontally-polarized beam.  And I've worked no-code Techs who were
getting their feet wet on CW in these contests.  Most people will slow
down to make a QSO.

Have fun and I hope to work you.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 18 Nov 2003, Hanlon, Steve wrote:

> As a new ham, contesting is an interesting side of the hobby/service.  I am 
> currently only a Technician, but am working on upgrading to General in the 
> next few weeks.  I worked the SS as a guest op at the local radio club and 
> had a very good time.  The Sunday doldrums hit us very hard here in 3 land.  
> We could hear the sections on the west coast, but couldn't make contact.
> I have already informed the XYL of my future contesting plans.  I have so 
> much to learn... I should have jumped in this hobby/service 15 years ago when 
> I was in my teens.  Stupid me thought ham radio was for geeks.  Guess I'm a 
> geek now ;)
> Any must read material out there for the budding contester?  I'm not looking 
> to be a big gun, but rather be a big in the little gun world.
> -Steve Hanlon

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