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Re: [CQ-Contest] Extended Line Score - Hours Worked

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Extended Line Score - Hours Worked
From: Joe <nss@mwt.net>
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2013 08:19:22 -0500
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
How about a whole new catagory?


Multi op but only two person.
And the first 24 hrs use one call, then the second 24 hr half start all over with the second call?

The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 4/1/2013 9:19 PM, Ward Silver wrote:
By the way - this is not my original idea. Others have suggested this before, particularly Trey N5KO. Given the wider availability of data and tools, it may be an idea whose time has arrived.
73, Ward N0AX

On 4/1/2013 8:02 PM, Ward Silver wrote:
By publishing the number of hours worked with the score, using whatever time-on calculation the log-checkers feel is appropriate for that contest, it would be straightforward for an interested third-party to calculate score/hr statistics.
Public, validated logs could also be parsed for all sorts of 
time-related stats:
- best first 24 hour score
- best second 24 hour score
- best N hour score
- fastest to N points
and so on. It would be the equivalent of baseball's sabermetrics - what is the analog of "slugging percentage"?
If the data was there and someone cared about the calculation, it 
would probably be performed.  We might find an interesting way to 
compete that doesn't require a new formal category.  Or we might 
decide that what we already have is good enough and that more 
categories don't really change things.  Nevertheless, the impact on 
the contest sponsors, who have very limited resources, would be minimal.
73, Ward N0AX

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