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Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote

To: <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote
From: "Larry" <lknain@nc.rr.com>
Reply-to: Larry <w6nws@arrl.net>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 19:40:16 -0400
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
"Is there a rule for not working yourself?"

At one time I believe at least some contests had a rule precluding an operator from using multiple calls during the contest. I am not sure that rule exists. The rule may have existed to keep someone from a multi-op setup using their own call to get a run going and then switching to the multi-op call (sort of an attempt to have more transmitters on than your entry class permits). For just general operation working yourself might be a conflict of interest kind of view and might be hard to sell such a QSO to the DXCC desk or anyone else that adjudicates QSOs for an award or contest.
73, Larry  W6NWS

-----Original Message----- From: w5ov@w5ov.com
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:02 PM
To: w2lc@twcny.rr.com
Cc: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote

Some interesting comments here by W2LC:

Now, if you "work"? one of those remote stations, are you working
"someone"? in that DXCC entity, province, county or state?  No.  The
equipment may be there but the operator is not.
So what? Your RF is going from your station all the way to wherever the
other station is located - what difference does it make where the person
is - who is operating the remote station in the DX country? Can you tell
the difference? Maybe you've worked some remote operations already. Was it
somehow "different"?

But what if that remote station is located on Clipperton?  Would that
contact be approved?
If it's actually there, why not?

If I remotely operate some DX entity, am I a legal entry for that country
or the contest? I don't think so, I don't have a license to operate from
that country. Thus a DQ in the contest.  CEPT aside for the moment,
since it > does not cover every country.

Huh? What causes you to think that someone operating remotely would be
unlicensed to operate a radio in that country? I have always presumed that
a remote operator would be licensed - not the opposite. I think that
licensed operation is a given here.

If I work, say Paul EI5DI, who is operating a DX entity by remote, can I
not then just remote in myself and work that same DX entity?  i.e. Work
myself?  Why not?  If there is no need for an operator to be there, then
why not work yourself?  Is there a rule for not working yourself?  There
might be.
Many people like doing things without others being involved. Nonetheless,
contest rules preclude the use of local radios when you are operating
remotely so this is a red herring.

Is working a remote piece of equipment, at a possibly uninhabited place,
what we are looking to do?
Again, if the RF comes from that DX location as it would if the operator
were sitting there in front of the radio, what difference does it make
that the operator is remotely located?

I don't understand what the issue is here at all.

EI5DI doesn't like it because the Internet is involved. A deceased equine.

Even so, the Internet is not changing the RF path between the two stations
involved in any way aside from making it more difficult for the remote

I like the broadcast analogy someone introduced here. For example, WABC
Radio has their studio in New York City and their remote transmitter site
is in New Jersey.  Their jingles all say "WABC, New York".  I guess that's
no good?

de W5OV

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