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Re: [CQ-Contest] Why I like contesting more and DXing less

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Why I like contesting more and DXing less
From: "Stephen Bloom" <sbloom@acsalaska.net>
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2016 09:58:22 -0900
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Every DXer may not be a contester, but every contester is a DXer :)  Other than 
the dxpeditions that have leader boards (those SOBs just *know* that putting 
any kind of "competition" out there for us is crack for the contester), I 
rarely chase DX, and my DXCC total is whatever happens to be confirmed on LOTW, 
and I'm somewhere in the 230ish range.  I'll bet just about everyone on this 
list could say the same or better!

Steve KL7SB

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Mike 
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2016 7:15 AM
To: Contest List <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Why I like contesting more and DXing less

It's simple economics to me. Why should I spend months or years to gather up 
countries for Honor Roll, when I can operate a contest and get multiple band 
DXCC and usually snag several ATNOs in a single weekend? That gives me much 
more time for other hobbies, and is much more efficient use of my time! 

(and why my HF station is dormant except major contest weekends....) 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Mike Smith VE9AA" <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca> 
To: cq-contest@contesting.com 
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 1:45:40 PM 
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Why I like contesting more and DXing less 

The last few weeks I have discovered more and more why I like Contesting more 
and DXing less. (you'd think I would've realized this years ago; maybe I am 
just a slow learner)...the reasons below are honestly not written in a 
sarcastic tone, though some of them look like they were. I give you my word I 
believe these are SOME reasons why I truly like contesting so much. (I still 
like the odd casual QSO and so nothing below applies to that) 

⦁ I don't have to sit on a frequency and work split and call for 5 minutes (or 
5 hours!) to work a single station 

⦁ I don't have someone else (or a group of someone elses) telling me 
"UP"..."LID"..."EU" …(or like happened the other day and totally blew my mind 
'VE9AA QRS QRS AA QRS" (I still can't get over that one...needless to say, I 
did not, and was still able to work the DX just fine thank you very much) (this 
was sent to me more than a dozen times on 80m CW and I don't know if the QRMer 
was just pi$$ed off he couldn't make the rare DX - Q or what, but I was 
instantly targeted. Funny. Most callers were sending 24-28wpm, the DX was maybe 
sending 29-30wpm and I was sending at my usual blazing speed of 32-33wpm. I 
tend to understand most things that happen on the air, but this one still has 
me scratching my head, quite honestly.) 

⦁ Carriers, farts and burps are rare in contests (unless you're on 80m phone 
above 3800kHz maybe) 

⦁ I have defined periods of the start and finish of my fun, so I don't need to 
watch the packetcluster (or tune my radio) to know when or if my fun will 
begin.(or end) 

⦁ I am nearly always greeted with computer sent CW or very good fists , many 
strong signals and pretty good SSB (*some exceptions to the SSB rule) 

⦁ Whether I am weak (or loud) there is nearly always someone to work on a 
certain band and they usually want to work me too regardless of signal strength 

⦁ Lastly (for the moment).... 

⦁ Most of the other people in this conetst "fun" are like minded individuals in 
that they want to make a clean efficient contact. (I get that all folks contest 
for different reasons) 

⦁ OK, I have more, but I'd like you fellas to add some too. 

dit dit 

Mike VE9AA 

Mike, Coreen & Corey 

Keswick Ridge, NB 

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