Nice job done ! But there is one minor problem - When you choose Italy it is
showing always "no entries" Vy73`s de Maciek F4VSQ/SQ6MS
Dnia 10 marca 2021 03:36 Randy Thompson <>
We are always looking for new and interesting ways to present the
results of the CQ WPX Contest. Thanks to the efforts of Tom Morrison, K5TM, we
can now display the number of entries over the past 10 years from each DX
entity in a visual form on a world map.
The new CQ WPX Activity Map is available at
The map shows the number of log entries from each country and each call area
for USA, Canada, Japan and Russia. The mode and year is selected by the drop
down menu at the top right of the map. The map color scheme is selected just
below that. The map legend describes the color code.
Moving the mouse over a country or clicking on it will show the number of
entries for that region.
Enjoy! And let us know what you think.
Randy K5ZD
CQ WPX Web Manager
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