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[RFI] w7ekb & ground rods

To: "rfi@contesting.com" <rfi@contesting.com>
Subject: [RFI] w7ekb & ground rods
From: Bill W7KXB <w7kxb@msn.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:55:37 -0800
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>

Ken: Better read up on issues that arise with multiple ground rods for home AC 
grounding. I don't have the info at hand but you'll find it on the www
Good luck
de Bill/w7kxbTo: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] RF getting into 4-port wireless router - progress
Message-ID: <54B7F11E.5090903@rogerhalstead.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

On 14, Jan 2015, at 21:33, Kenneth G. Gordon <kgordon2006@frontier.com> wrote:
> OK, Gang, two things have changed since I removed and rolled up the 30+
> feet of #8 useless ground wire to the panel:
> 1) The lights in the shack no longer change brightness in time with the
> keying of my rig and amp. It was very slight, despite the fact that I had
> the amp on a dedicated 120 V line, but it was there. Now it is no longer
> in evidence. Zero: zip: nada.
> 2) It appears that I am no longer getting into my 4 port wireless router.
> 3) There is no more "weirdness" with the basement GFCI.
> There MAY be an additional effect:
> 4) It is POSSIBLE that my overall noise level, which has been a constant
> 10 dB over S-9 on 80 meters, is now only S-9. I find this last to be
> particularly hard for me to believe, but it sure looks like it is a fact.
> Now, the larger question: if this is so...WHY is it so? I am more
> mystified than I was to begin with...
> And, BTW, the ONLY thing I have done so far is deal with that useless
> panel ground wire.
> I also suspect that what I had thought was the lights dimming in time
> with my keying was exactly the opposite: they were getting brighter with
> my keying.
> I am going to go buy another 4 ea 8' ground rods tomorrow...
> I now have just loads of #8 solid copper with which to tie them all
> together. :-)
> Ken W7EKB
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