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Re: [SD-User] ADIF File to .LST File

Subject: Re: [SD-User] ADIF File to .LST File
From: Anthony Jaacks <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 23:21:36 +0000
List-post: <>
Thank you for your response, David, G3PLE.

I did what you suggested in a hybrid sort of way. I think it's working but
want to know if there is something hidden in my result that will come back
to bite me in the future. Here is what I did in a nutshell:

1. Used my .log file (not .adi file) and imported that into a spreadsheet -
just callsign, name, and SPC
2. saved that data as a .lst file using "save as" and the name in double
quotes - "NAQP1.LST" - MS-DOS (#.txt)
3. Updated the QNAQPC.TPL to use the NAQP1.LST
4. tested and it seems to be okay

My only concern is the updated file (NAQP1.LST) appears to be tab
delimited, not space delimited (I think that's the correct terminology), In
other words, there appears to be tabs between callsign, name, and SPC, not
spaces like in the older NAQP.LST file. Will the tab spacing cause an issue
down the road!

Also, I'm sure there are some duplicate entries. Will that cause an issue?

Thank you, in advance, for any other guidance.



On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 5:52 PM David Barlow G3PLE <> wrote:

> This is what I do for N1MM+. Will be slightly different for SD depending on
> how Paul formats the .lst file.
> Not got full details to hand they are in the very cold shack at the moment.
> The answer is to convert the ADIF file into a txt file then import the txt
> file delimited into Excel and in excel reform it in lst style (from memory
> it is a matter of moving it from row to column. Make a copy of the column
> and save it as txt then remant the file to .lst.
> This is from memory I did write it down but it is not available at the
> moment.
> It is all rather long but it worked for me and I may have missed something
> on the way.
> So it is :-
> 1). Change ADIF to .txt
> 2). Open excel.
> 3). Import .txt file delimited.
> 4). Move row to column (how to do it is on the web)
> 5). Highlight and copy the column(s). OR Export them as txt using Excel.
> 6). Save columns into a new file as txt.
> 7) Rename file as lst.
> No doubt Paul will come up with a better answer.
> Happy New Year
> David
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