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[TenTec] Jupiter- How easy to operate?

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Jupiter- How easy to operate?
From: w7trx@mindspring.com (W7TRX)
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 09:00:56 -0800
----- Original Message -----
From: Sherrill WATKINS <SEWATKINS@dgs.state.va.us>
To: <w5yr@att.net>; <w7trx@mindspring.com>
Cc: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 6:12 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Jupiter- How easy to operate?

> Dear Tracy:  You hit the nail on the head about poorly designed electronic
equipment!  I have never see it explained better!   Where I work our
department just purchased two new Xerox copiers.  Now for 30 years I have
had no problem using copy machines but the control panel for these
contraptions are so abstract I cannot figure out how to use them!  Even the
resident computer people have trouble figuring out how to make a copy. The
instruction manual looks like an encyclopedia!   I must now take a ½ day off
from my job to attend a class, paid for by poor tax payers, just to learn
how to use a copy machine!  Outrageous!  (I think this is a marketing trap,
they low ball you to get the order so they can rip you off to take a class
to learn how to use the "high tech" or "state of the art" contraption!)

LOL, I began my work career as a service tech on Microprocessor based
photocopiers. 5 or 6 years of that stuff. Now I volunteer at a local
elementary school. My jaw drops as I try to figure out the blasted thing. I
see teacher after teacher struggle with it. The copier has features that
allow for collating, but is so difficult to understand and use that that
most just make copies, then hand sort and staple by hand. All manner of
work-arounds observed and lots of wasted paper. An intuitive, simple copier
would be a gold-mine in the business world.

 > Now please explain just what a "cognitive memory problem" is?  I have a
serious memory problem also, it is more scientifically referred to as
"advancing >age"!  - Corn - k4own

Wish it were that simple. As a ham, I'm nearly a baby. only 40 yrs old. I
have Lupus/CFS. It is a nasty immune system problem, where the immune system
can't tell good stuff from bad. basically my immune system is fighting me.
The cognitive and physical problems can be staggering. 5 years ago I was
unable to read words or recognize characters. I now have a good Doc and have
made significant strides towards normalcy (see, I can type again). But
despite all this, I still have the K.I.S.S. philosophy. No reason for
un-necessary complexity.

I'm still looking for the perfect radio.

take care,  Tracy

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