Wade, I fully agree. A station must have or have available some type
antenna analyzer. Otherwise, one is mostly "flying in the dark by the
seat of their pants".
I always use my analyzer to make all tuner adjustments, therefore I
never use carrier to tune. I also use a dummy load to tune the amp thus
the tuner is set correctly and the amp is tuned correctly and no signal
put on the air.
And as a courteous operator, no QRM generated.
Bob, K4TAX
> *When I have a problem such as this, the MFJ Analyzer comes in real
> handy.
> So much better than trying to tune up with the radio. Work your way up or
> down from a frequency that will tune well and you should find the sweet
> spot. Have you tried adding or shortening the Coax/Feed Line by a small
> amount? On one installation we had to leave an 8 foot section of RG-213
> in
> circuit to get things to match. Later the fellow raised the antenna by 20
> feet and the Coax was no longer needed. Finding the correct match can be
> daunting. Best of luck to you. 73 .....*
> * Wade/KJ4WS*
> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 12:52 AM, Richards <jrichards@k8jhr.com> wrote:
>> On 7/27/2013 7:15 PM, Bob McGraw - K4TAX wrote:
>> Now if the inductance is maximum value then
>>> it is very apparent where Z should be located, either on the input of
>>> L
>>> or the output of L. I believe it general practice to start with
>>> maximum
>>> inductance for adjustment of any L network.
>> ______________________________**_______________
>> Hmmm... so it appears the instruction manual
>> does not describe the best approach? I understood
>> the user manual to say I should start with zero
>> on the Inductor, and the Capacitor at around 2.
>> In contrast, based on your description, it appears
>> I would be better off starting with the inductor in
>> the middle - away from either end - and that starting
>> there will make it more obvious what initial capacitor
>> setting to select on the BYPASS switch. I know that
>> is not "maximum" - but it would assure that I started
>> working against a substantial inductance, rather
>> than zero.
>> Or... have I misunderstood?
>> ---------- Thanks - K8JHR -----------------------
>> --.
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