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Re: [TenTec] Portable QRP/SOTA

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Portable QRP/SOTA
From: Steve Berg <wa9jml@frontier.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2016 20:29:20 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
I have been following this thread with considerable interest. I still have a HW-7 that is functional, and recently bought an Argonaut 515 from a list member. The 515 is light years ahead of the HW-7, as expected, but I had lots of fun with the Heathkit for years. I kept a sealed motorcycle battery around that still held a charge well, just in case I had to operate without power for some time. I keep some wire antennas handy for this, along with Ten Tec and MFJ tuners. I put the battery into one of my friend's Moto Guzzi LeMans 1000, so I need to get another emergency battery. These sound very interesting.
My home antenna is a Hy-Gain DX 88 trap vertical with a lot of radials 
under it for a counterpoise.  I made lots of contacts with the 10 watts 
from my Argonaut VI, even on SSB with the Ten Tec RF speech clipper.  I 
have found that it is a bit harder with the 5 watts output from my 
Argonaut II, and lots harder with the 2.5 watts from the 515.  My 
antenna situation here is rather limited, and I hope to move someplace 
that is flat and not obstructed by houses and a hill for about 140 degrees.
I wanted to buy an Argonaut 509 when I lived out in western 
Massachusetts, and it would have been a lot of fun hiking up to the top 
of Mount Tom, and setting up a portable station.  So, I can see the 
appeal of SOTA.   My knees are not so great any more, so I would have to 
take the road up there, if I were to walk up there now.  We don't have 
much in the way of hills here in Northern Illinois, until you get near 
Galena.  I hope those of you who can still climb will do so, and have a 
great time in the process.
Steve WA9JML

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