I listened for several days in a row last week at the appointed time and on
every antenna I have for a daylight Qso. Not a peep. I think I am outside the
limits for you East coast guys. One fella and I even tried a test on 75 meters
from the East coast to Oregon with zero results. The path loss is just too
large for what is likely a double hop from the East coast area to here in
central Or.
I am willing for a schedule for another test if someone desires. Equipment
is TT Orion transceiver, TiTan amp at 1.5KW. 90foot TX vertical with >100
Radials and 1000 ft Beverages to the East plus other RX antennas.
I would be quite surprised to hear anyone past a couple thousand miles or so
but I am sure willing to try again.
Lee K7TJR Oregon
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