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Re: Topband: KLM antennas on shunt fed towers

To: john battin <>
Subject: Re: Topband: KLM antennas on shunt fed towers
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012 12:36:17 -0800
List-post: <">>
A little different version of this question - is there any general guidance about what to do with pickup on other antennas when transmitting? Shunt the pickup to a dummy load? short? open? something else?
I'm adding a vertically polarized pair of phased 80m delta loops (ON4UN 
design) on one tower with a 40m Moxon and a 80m rotary dipole above 
their apex.
Grant  KZ1W

On 12/26/2012 9:33 AM, john battin wrote:
There is a problem.  I had a 4 ele 40 and 5 ele 20m klm on a loaded tower. I 
had a coax balun on the 40 ...... arced through the insulation where it was 
taped to the boom and the neighbors reported to me there was a fire on my 
tower. The coax was crisp.
The 20m beam had a klm balun and it failed .... not so dramatic ... but it 
failed.  I grounded the DE on both antennas at their center... made no 
difference to their performance that I could tell... and the problem was gone.  
I had to re-tune the tower because of the increased top loading.
John K9DX
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2012 22:52:43 -0500
Subject: Topband: KLM antennas on shunt fed towers

Anyone have problems running a KLM antenna with the 4:! balun and
elements insulated from the boom (stock KLM config) on a shunt fed tower
for 160? I ask because I have a 6 element 10 on the top of my shunt fed
tower and now, after running a kw on 160, the antenna's swr has gone
over 2:1 where before it was pretty flat at about 1.2:1 or so. Any ideas?

Ron N4XD
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

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