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Re: Topband: elevated radials question

Subject: Re: Topband: elevated radials question
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 15:58:41 -0700
List-post: <>
On 10/25/2021 9:17 AM, Grant Saviers wrote:
Don't connect elevated radials to on/in ground radials.

There is a huge ground loss for 4ft high radials on 160m.  7ft is far better and 10 ft is pretty good.

When I first installed radials this low, there was, indeed, high ground loss. N6BT, an excellent antenna designer who has done extensive work on verticals, advised me that 16-20 feet was a minimum height, and when I raised them to about 20 ft, efficiency improved significantly.

There are "W" shaped radial feeds with the base near to the ground but IMO it is better to elevate the feedpoint to radial height and add a bit of wire to the top load to get back to resonance.

Radials can be a bit shorter than 1/4wl ~ 85% for 4, even shorter for more. see  Or a single high Q inductor to shorten them more, but modeling is needed.

I've followed Rudy's advice and made them slightly shorter than a quarter wave.

73, Jim K9YC

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