On 5/31/01 7:43 PM, David J. Windisch at davidw@copper.net wrote:
>It has been my experience, over the last 30 years, that the s/s I've used on
>antennas, subject to the magnet test, has not reacted with al antenna parts.
>It's still shiny-bright. My 'control' s/s, not used in antennas because it
>was attracted, does have discoloration. Should have mentioned that that
>'magnet test' came from the experience of chem-metallurgy types at
>Westinghouse in Baltimore.
Apparently you haven't followed the origin of W7NI's hardware.
Original Rohn Tower bolts are either hot-dip galvanized, or in the case
of Rohn 25 bolts, plated. Now, the plated bolts/nuts don't last terribly
long in the weather (depending on your conditions) because the plating
isn't thick enough.
Using stainless isn't advised. Although stainless is certainly a lot more
corrosion-resistant, it isn't nearly as strong as other steel. And
strength is certainly a key consideration for tower-leg bolts.
Stan found out about this mechanical galvanizing, which appears to offer
the protection level of hot-dip galvanizing with much greater uniformity.
Some Rohn U-bolts have the same problem (plated, not galvanized), so Stan
offers these as well.
This hardware offers better strength than stainless, along with the
corrossion protection of hot-dip galvanization.
So much for puffery. I'm pleased that Stan is extending his line of
mechanically galvanized hardware. I've bought some myself. I haven't
weather-tested it yet (since my tower is sitting in my basement still).
Let's not be so quick to denigrate things that we don't understand.
Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901
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