Heck Stan, I guess I'm not sure now. Too many "ethanes" and "ethylenes" out
there. See
http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts70.html for 1,1,1 Trichloroethane, and
http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts19.html for Trichoroethylene.
The stuff we used in the Navy for degreasing, and the label that *used* to
be on "Gun Scrubber" had the "1,1,1" in front of the chemical name, so I'm
guessing it was the first one above. That's also the stuff I bought in
gallon cans from the local paint stores up to a couple of years ago, but I
haven't tried to find it since I discovered Gun Scrubber. Neither one
appears to be particularly good for your health. Now I have a headache, not
from the chemicals, but from too many syllables in all these words.
73, Jerry
----- Original Message -----
From: Stan or Patricia Griffiths <w7ni@easystreet.com>
To: Bryan Fields <kb9mci@qsl.net>; <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Removing Oil from a Motor
> Are you sure you guys aren't talking about "trichoroethylene"? I use that
stuff to
> degrease oscilloscope fan motors all the time when I rebuild them as part
of the old
> scope restoration process. It is not as volatile as the freons I have
seen and you can
> still get it in jugs at a chemical supply house. Many freons boil at
> pressures and room temperatures. Trichloroethylene does not, but it does
> rather quickly and you really need to keep the container capped. You also
need to use
> it in a well ventilated area. I have never seen it in a spray can. You
have sign a
> paper saying you are aware of the dangers of using this chemincal when you
buy it.
> We could be talking about different chemicals here. I have never heard of
> "trichlorethane" but then there are lots of chemicals I have never heard
of . . .
> Stan
> w7ni@easystreet.com
> Bryan Fields wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On Thursday 14 June 2001 21:26, you wrote:
> > > Thought I'd throw out that most gun shops carry Birchwood Casey "Gun
> > > Scrubber" in tall pressurized cans, for degreasing firearms
> > > It's actually trichlorethane in a spray can.
> >
> > If memory serves, isn't trichlorethane Freon-113. If so it is probaly
> > avaliable anymore, but i could be wrong.
> >
> > - --
> > Bryan Fields, KB9MCI
> > ____________________
> > Of all the words of witch's doom
> > There's none so bad as which and whom.
> > The man who kills both which and whom
> > Will be enshrined in our Who's Whom.
> > -- Fletcher Knebel
> >
> > Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
> > Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
> >
> > iD8DBQE7KUH21n1EIlKF06ARAj6wAJ4ne5C1LZdRSj7q+rYjqK81PzX69ACgzhAp
> > BbJedyhxIKEQRbJyiNvaHhg=
> > =MwMP
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >
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