A very dangerous thing, for sure. I used to be a ship repair superintendent
at a Navy shipyard, and we had to flush referigerant lines with Freon xx
(don't remember the number) after assembly. Don't know the chemical
ramifications, but the standard warnings were that Freon is heavier than
air, and will completely displace oxygen at the lowest level per Mr.
Gravity, quickly suffocating it's victims. It's difficult to "expel" if you
breathe it, too, they say. We had to clear all people from tanks and lower
voids when using freon flushes, plus had to do a whole bunch of air tests in
all the lower compartments when we were done. Scary stuff. Never liked being
around it.
73, Jerry
----- Original Message -----
From: Bryan Fields <kb9mci@qsl.net>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Removing Oil from a Motor
> Hash: SHA1
> Just checked, Freon 113 is Trichlorotrifluoroethane not Trichloroethane!
> Just for fun one day I decided to play with some Freon 12 by inhaling it
> talking. Does just the opposite of inhaling Helium, as my voice went down
> octaves!
> Don't try this at home!!!!!!
> On Friday 15 June 2001 12:30, you wrote:
> > Are you sure you guys aren't talking about "trichoroethylene"? I use
> > stuff to degrease oscilloscope fan motors all the time when I rebuild
> > as part of the old scope restoration process. It is not as volatile as
> > freons I have seen and you can still get it in jugs at a chemical supply
> > house. Many freons boil at atmospheric pressures and room temperatures.
> > Trichloroethylene does not, but it does evaporate rather quickly and you
> > really need to keep the container capped. You also need to use it in a
> > well ventilated area. I have never seen it in a spray can. You have
> > a paper saying you are aware of the dangers of using this chemincal when
> > you buy it.
> >
> > We could be talking about different chemicals here. I have never heard
> > "trichlorethane" but then there are lots of chemicals I have never heard
> >
> - --
> Bryan Fields, KB9MCI
> ____________________
> It is better to travel hopefully than to fly Continental.
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