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[Towertalk] Relay Summary

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] Relay Summary
From: (Norman Hockler)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 19:55:04 -0500
Antenna change over relays must use a "noble" metal to insure contact 
wetting.  Silver, palladium, or gold.
Some relays used a wiping action but this is not a reliable substitute for 

Norm N8NH

At 10:02 AM 3/28/02 -0500, you wrote:
> mentions:
> >How much current you have there from 1mikroV signal into 50Ohms from the
> >antenna. !?!?!?!?!? On transmit the nonconducting layer which develops
> >on the contacts will brake through and no problem but on receive of tiny
> >signals ?
>Just about every old high power used a dow key relay , or some type
>of open frame DPDT relay, and I doubt those were gold plated. I certainly
>have not noticed any deterioration in signal with those rigs that are still
>connected via a dow-key (or similar) KW relays with standard contacts!
>john wb5oau/4
>Towertalk mailing list


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