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[Towertalk] position lanyard and stuff.

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] position lanyard and stuff.
From: (Rudy Marcelletti, K8SWD)
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 16:22:20 -0500
I am not a pro or expert and only climb when I really need to.  My =
position lanyard is a braided nylon adjustable DBI brand.  It could be a =
couple of inches shorter for 25G but once I get where I want to be, I =
loop it around one of the tower legs and it is the perfect length for =
me.  If I am below torque arms, I let some out and put the position =
lanyard above them if I can.  It has safety latches on both ends (you =
must squeeze them to unlock, then use your thumb or finger to open =

The fall arrester has the same hook on one end to attach to the D ring =
on the middle of my back.  The other end has the gorilla hook--it too =
has the double latch.  It is always attached as much as possible, as =
high above me as I can reach.

Some one wrote they use bowline knots to attach their hooks with.  The =
better not is a figure 8 with a safety overhand.  Then tape the overhand =
tail.  The figure 8 is stronger and easier to untie after it has been =
loaded.  For a cow tail, use a good static climbing rope and tie a =
figure 8 at each end, and a butterfly knot in the middle to hook to your =
mid chest D ring with a carbiner.  It would best to use gorrilla hooks =
at each end of the cow tail, but carbiners would also work, but may not =
be easily clipped onto the tower legs, unless they have big enough =

I carry a small amount of tools in a covered bag with shoulder strap.  I =
have two.  Swing them sort of behind me when I move.  I think they were =
some sort of gas mask bags for $5.00 each.  They have plastic stiffeners =
to keep the open.

I like to tie a small wrist loop on my wrenches also, and carry 2 of =
each in case you drop one.  Same with sockets, a couple of adjustable =
wrenches too.  You can tie a small cord from shoulder to shoulder strap =
and clip them here temporarily with cheap, small snaps, while you wrap =
tape or what ever.

I like to plan 2 hours for a 1 hour job and go slow.  Inspect your stuff =
before and after every climb.  Keep it clean, dry and out of the sun.

Don't use line man belts!

Rudy Marcelletti, K8SWD

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