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[TowerTalk] How to identify traps in TA33

Subject: [TowerTalk] How to identify traps in TA33
From: Pedro <>
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2005 14:59:02 +0000
List-post: <>
    Hello !
    I just got an used TA33 (I think is a different model with the big 
traps on the dipole and small ones on the other elements)
    and I am having some trouble to identify the traps from the director 
and reflector ! They donĀ“t have anything writen outside so
    how can know. Are they just the same and the only thing that changes 
in the antena is the size of the elements when assembled ?
    If anyone can help me with these please reply direct to my email.
    Thanks in advanced.
    I would like to put this antennas up as soon as possible!
    73 de CT1ELP Pedro Pedroso


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