I sent Pedro some info since I have a TA-33jr with MPK
dipole............... also had a TA-36 with 40 meter traps, too.
I told him the key was to measure the boom length. The
TA-33 had a 14 foot boom but the TA-33jr had a 12 foot
boom. If he has a 33jr with the MPK it would be with the 12
foot boom. I haven't heard back from him from the
message I sent several hours ago.
Jim - K5LAD
On 6 Nov 2005 at 22:00, Gary "Joe" Mayfield wrote:
> Could it not be a TA-33 with the 40 meter kit included?
> 73,
> Joe
> kk0sd
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Larry WA9VRH" <wa9vrh@mtco.com>
> To: "Pedro" <paspe@mega.ist.utl.pt>
> Cc: <towertalk@contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2005 4:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] How to identify traps in TA33
> Hi Pedro,
> What you have is an MP-33. It could have been a TA-33JR that was
> upgraded to the 1000 watt version. Works great I have one that was
> upgraded from a TA-33JR. I have had it since new and have refurbished
> it a couple of times. I should have a scanned manual of the MP-33 or
> the upgrade. I will look in my archives and send you the pdf of the
> manual.
> 73 Larry WA9VRH
> On Saturday, November 5, 2005, at 08:59 AM, Pedro wrote:
> >
> > Hello !
> > I just got an used TA33 (I think is a different model with the
> > big
> > traps on the dipole and small ones on the other elements)
> > and I am having some trouble to identify the traps from the
> > director
> > and reflector ! They donĀ“t have anything writen outside so
> > how can know. Are they just the same and the only thing that
> > changes
> > in the antena is the size of the elements when assembled ?
> > If anyone can help me with these please reply direct to my
> > email. Thanks in advanced. I would like to put this antennas up
> > as soon as possible! 73 de CT1ELP Pedro Pedroso
> >
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