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[TowerTalk] Antenna Position Dilemma

Subject: [TowerTalk] Antenna Position Dilemma
From: Rob Hammond <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 08:44:01 +0000
List-post: <>
Hi Group,
         I wonder if I anyone could help me with my Antenna Siting Dilemma.
My Plot is approx 250 x 150ft. ( 250ft running east/west , 150ft 
North/South ) Is located on top of a
hill about 2 miles from the SE coast of Ireland.
I'm in a rural location with a field from NW round to the
South , one Neighbor about 100ft away to the sw & a small road
to the west with a house the other side.

Now for the bad part.. There are power lines running NE/SW diagonally 
across the property. The enter the plot about half way up the North Side 
& exit about 20ft from the end of the South Side. The House is located 
most of the way up to the west with about 90ft from the door to the 
property edge.

I'm not trying to build an antenna farm & most things going to be homebrew
but what I'm trying to achieve is a multiband 2 element spider Quad ( 
EI7BA design ) on a 40ft Scaffold mast.
I have two butternut HF6V's available which I am considering phasing for 
some gain on 40 or 80m.

I am not too worried about RFI into TV's/phones as my Neighbor doesn't 
have a TV & Doesn't want one , nor does he have a phone line & prefers 
to use his mobile. I am also 90% CW.

I have permission to run wires into the field but cannot erect any 
permanent structures in it & there's no tree's or high supports around 
me apart from the house & the powerline poles.

My Current Setup of a single butternut & wire is working very well. The 
butternut is extremely quiet but the horizontal wire dipole I use runs 
within meters of the power lines & the noise level is very high ( S9 on 
80/40/20 falling to S5 on 15/10 ).

Everything has to be designed on absolute minimum cost.

Any suggestions on Siting & Planning of this project would be appreciated.



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