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Re: [TowerTalk] Grounding ... again...with a twist.

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Grounding ... again...with a twist.
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 02:45:33 -0500
List-post: <>

> Roger,
> The single ground rod that was put outside my service panel  was certainly 
> inadequate.     I ran a new #2 solid from the box to a new

Here they use two rods.

> ground rod which is then tied into the remaining ground field.  At your 
> location I would place a new ground rod at each service panel then tie 
> both of these service entries  into your tower and shack ground field.

I did this with the house entrance, but the ground at the shop entrance is 
unreachable, nor is it possible to put in another close enough to remain 
within code. The ground could not be continuous from the meter and panel to 
any other rods as the two current ones are under the shop concrete apron 
with the attendant wire and rebar.

> Your lightning protection can be placed just outside your shack entry at 
> both locations...then tying these demarcation points  into the same large 
> ground field.

That I have.

Roger (K8RI)
> Take a look at the Intermatic Panel Surge protector for each of your 
> service panels.  These are great self contained units and even come with a 
> $10,000 - $25,000 warranty for electrical equipment and appliances  you 
> have connected downstream.
> My $0.02,
> Jay - KT5E
> Roger (K8RI) wrote:
>> We've beat the single point ground right into the ground over the past 
>> few months, but I have a question as to a different approach.
>> I have two stations, one in my shop and one in the house. I have a 100' 
>> 45G with the big antennas on it and currently a 40' tower on the West end 
>> of the shop with the AV-640 vertical, and another mast on the North side 
>> of the shop with a 144/440 colinear vertical.  The 40' Aluminum tower 
>> will be replaced with 50 to 60' of 25G and most likely it'll get a small 
>> tribander.
>> Eventually the system will be set up (hopefully by next summer) so I will 
>> be able to use either antenna system from either location. Of course 
>> there is an extensive ground system under the big tower and a substantial 
>> one under the tower and mast at the shop. These ground systems tie 
>> together.
>> The interesting part is the shop and the house each have their own 
>> electrical service and underground feeds even though they both come from 
>> the same transformer at the road. The ground rod at the shop is not 
>> acessible although the cable going to it is. However by I can't tie into 
>> that cable according to code.
>> Any suggestions as to the grounding? Remember even though they have 
>> different power feeds both stations will be operating either antenna 
>> system. (possibly at the same time, just different antennas). This is 
>> essentially the same as two neighbors using the same antennas.
>> 73
>> Roger (K8RI)
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