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Re: [TowerTalk] Cushcraft MA5B

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cushcraft MA5B
From: Steve Hunt <>
Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2008 23:12:56 +0100
List-post: <">>
I owned an MA5B for several years and was happy with it. Up until then 
I'd only ever used dipole/doublet antennas and it was a definite "step 
up" in performance. It seemed well constructed and went together easily, 
although I know of some folk who have suffered "quality control" issues 
- in particular, traps marked the wrong way round. Of course, it's only 
a dipole on 17m and 12m, and I found the narrow 20m bandwidth frustrating.

I've also owned the Butternut HF5B. I couldn't say I noticed much 
difference in performance, but the MA5B was a lot easier to assemble and 

Since then I've moved to a home-built hexbeam. That is definitely a 
further "step up" in performance for little extra size; plus it's a beam 
on all five bands. There's a table comparing the two on my web site:

Good luck,
Steve G3TXQ

Tearlach Sinclair wrote:
> I'm looking at small beams for when I get my tower up next spring. One that 
> seems to fit my bill is the Cushcraft MA5B. Does anyone on this reflector own 
> or know someone who owns or has talked with someone using this antenna? Any 
> info I can gather from users will be greatly appreciated.
> 73,
> Tearlach de w8sco
> There's nae man sae deif as he tha' winna hear.
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