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Re: [TowerTalk] Coax type selection

To: Tommy <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Coax type selection
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 20:47:33 -0500
List-post: <">>
Tommy wrote:
> Very Impressive!!
> I received close to 10 replies to my question concerning LMR-400 and 9913
> coax. The consensus was water ingress problems with 9913 that are not
> encountered with LMR-400. These responses has convinced me to change my
> mind, even about 9913EF, and go with an LMR 'type' coax.
Thanks Tom,

I'd like to add that although they are much less prone to water 
ingress,  none of the regular cables are immune to moisture and damage 
with the exception of direct burial cable which has a gel coating the 
braid making it pretty much self sealing. OTOH  9913 can act like a hose 
if the connectors are not properly sealed or the sealant is removed by 
mother nature.<:-)) It's really a great coax most of the time.  BTW when 
9913 first came out it was expensive. IIRC it was much higher in actual 
dollars than it is now.

I would respectfully suggest staying away from LMR-400UF as the jacket 
is fragile, UV sensitive, and is a bear to trim with a regular coax 
tool. IOW the jacket is like a thin walled rubber hose.  That one is 
pretty much a do-it-by-hand with a box cutter.  I'm now using LMR-600, 
but with Davis BuryFlex for the pigtails.

Davis BuryFlex (TM) is a good alternative with about the same 
characteristics as LMR-400 with only a slight difference and it doesn't 
require additional connectors and a pigtail.


Roger (K8RI)


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