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Re: [TowerTalk] Cushcraft Parts From MFJ

To: "Charlie Gallo" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cushcraft Parts From MFJ
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 03:51:10 -0800
List-post: <">>
From: "Charlie Gallo" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 7:32 AM
To: "Jim Thomson" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cushcraft Parts From MFJ

> On 11/25/2010 Jim Thomson wrote:
>> ##  My guess is, instead of using  6061-T6  or  6063-T832,  they have 
>> gone
>> to a cheap alloy, like  3003,  which comes in various grades of hardness, 
>> listed
>> as  H-0  to H-14.    H-0   is only 6 ksi yield, and the  strongest is no 
>> match  for
>> 6061-T6  or  6063-T832.
> What is interesting is "yield strength" vs ultimate strength - various 
> tempers WILL have different yield strengths - "Yield strength" is the 
> amount of force to cause the material to BEND and NOT return to it's 
> original shape - "Ultimate strength" is the amount of force needed to 
> BREAK the material

&&&  True...BUT.. the only thing that ever gets plugged into either the YS 
2.15  or  DX eng spreadsheets  [ and also the ARRL  mast program]   is 
yield strength  and section modulus.    Section  modulus is just a function 
of ID/OD/wall thickness.    This is also mentioned in detail in Leesons 
book.     Bottom line is...  yield strength X section modulus = bending 
moment.    You are correct, yield strength is the amount of force to cause 
the material to take a 'permanent set.'    IE: the fellow's  mast bent.. and 
did a 90 deg.   It has not snapped off...yet.    It's just bent.    Same 
deal with al eles.   Bottom line is... if the els are bent  [ permanent 
set].. the ele is toast, and that's the end of that.   Now if hygain model 
XXX  6m yagi  was fine b4... and flexed a bit in a 85 mph wind,  but eles 
never took a permanent set, then fine, the ele design/tubing 
schedule/alloy/temper.....has done it's job.

&&&  Now if  MFJ  takes the same model XXX  6m yagi.... and changes it in 
such a fashion, that ele  halves are permanently you got A REAL 
PROBLEM.     The MFJ 6m yagi in question, is one
step worse than this.... and it's  els halves  are snapping clean off!! 
Assuming the  tubing schedule [OD + wall thickness]  didn't change..[ so 
parts  for new ants  will also fit old ants].... then they MUST have changed 
either the alloy, temper....or both.

> Now, IF the alloy is actually the same (hint, a lot of the Al that is sold 
> is NOT the same for the different tempers, and some can't be tempered 
> after alloying) - the "Ultimate strength" doesn't change - Note however, 
> the Alcoa data sheets DO tend to guarantee a higher ultimate strength for 
> higher tempers (not all - lets talk 6061 - they  guarantee the same 
> minimum for T0 and T4 - and of course T6 and T6511 are the same - in fact 
> I often see t651(1) sub'd for T6)
> I know you take say a piece of 0-1 steel - the ultimate strength is 
> totally unchanged by hardening - what IS strange - say you go just under 
> yield strength - the hardened steel will flex a LOT less that the 
> unhardened, and still return, but they break at the same point

&&&  good point.   So if the mfj ele's  are snapping clean off..... then the 
ultimate strength  must have been reduced by a whole bunch..which means xtal 
clear to me, that mfj CAN'T be using 6061-T6 or  6063-T832.
Other than  6061-T6   and also  6063-T832..... I don't know what else will 
work  [that's  actually readily available].   There is all sorts of junk  AL 
tubing that obviously  WON'T work... and MFJ  has proven that point.
Now we have arrived at the point where we have to ask...'and what alloy and 
temper did you use for both the boom/els, and anything else' ?   If they 
can't answer that question,,,,then don't buy it.

> If I see my wife's uncle this holiday season, I'll ask him to write 
> something up - he's a (now retired) PhD in materials science who 
> specializes in Alloys (mostly Fe Alloys), and is considered one of the top 
> guys in the field (as in international award winning)

&&&&  That's wonderful and everything, but  any far out 
alloy/material/temper, has to be something that's  [A]  readily available in 
size's  and wall thickness's we can use..... and   [B] be affordable.   Sure 
7075 is great stuff, and so is 2024-T3.... provided you just won the 
lottery.  Both  6063-T832 and  6061-T6  are  both  40 ksi yield strength. 
6063-T832 is usually the cheaper of the 2  x alloys... and is used by M2 and 
other's.   This 'new'  6061-T8  temper is good stuff  for boom material. 
It's  50 ksi yield..and comes in .120" it all telescopes. 
No more swedges and  lathe work.

Later... Jim  VE7RF
> -- 
> 73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
> Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)


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