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[TowerTalk] Tower for a DB36

Subject: [TowerTalk] Tower for a DB36
From: damon stewart <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 13:48:32 -0800
List-post: <">>
Having a hard time deciding on a proper tower for a Steppir DB36.  The LM470
is with in the budget but I fear it may be just a bit light.  Maybe, maybe
not but I would prefer to error on the side of caution especially given the

Next up would be the HDX-572 and then the DX70.  I KNOW the DX70 would have
no problems at all but its a bit out of my price range.   The HDX-572 is at
the upper limit but if the LM470 wont work what choice do I have.

Due to local codes it needs to be a crank up and less then 75' to ease the
permit process.   So given the choice is the HDX-572 a better choice for the
DB36 or am I over engineering this?

Just a bit more info, in the last 2 years I have not seen more then 50mph
winds but it could happen.  Im at 3500' and see 1 to 2 feet of snow a year
so some light icing may occur but nothing severe.  Other then a small
2m/70cm vertical at the top of the mast no other antennas.  Im not opposed
to cranking the tower down if Im away from the house for a few days or if
the weather looks like its going to get severe.

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