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Re: [TowerTalk] Remote Tuner with ZS66BKW or OCF Dipole

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Remote Tuner with ZS66BKW or OCF Dipole
From: Patrick Greenlee <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:58:31 -0500
List-post: <">>
Jim, Thanks for the link. I have saved the presentation so I can revue it as desired. A bit late to impact my next project as the tower is on order and the antenna is on the shop floor in 4 boxes. The good news (whew!) I don't think I am in violation of any of the things you pointed out. The tower is a Tashjian DX-70 and the antenna is a 6m-80m Yagi. Well, the 80m is a dipole but the rest is a Yagi.
Thanks again for sharing.

Patrick    NJ5G

On 7/27/2015 11:53 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
On Mon,7/27/2015 6:31 AM, Patrick Greenlee wrote:
I don't do many A-B comparisons between the OCF dipole and the vertical anymore, having seen the results so many times before. Rarely does the dipole win a shootout by much margin. results are close but the vertical usually does a little better. One solid exception is contacting a friend 120 air miles away. Sorry, senior moment (CRS), I don't recall the band but the OCF worked him well and the vertical was useless. We chalked it up to takeoff angle. This result is repeatable.
Not surprising. See

The problem with OCF dipoles is that you can't choke them to kill the RX noise.
73, Jim

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