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Re: [TowerTalk] Sad news N5IA SK in tower fall

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Sad news N5IA SK in tower fall
From: Steve Maki <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2016 15:56:10 -0400
List-post: <">>
It's surprising how many commercial towers do not have safety climb systems. I'm talking broadcast towers, cellular towers, you name it. A wild guess around here is 3-5%.

The first man up double hooks and takes up a temporary 5/8" safety *rope*. For the rest of the job the rope is used as a normal safety climb, using rope sliders instead of 3/8" wire sliders.

Last man down double hooks again. We wouldn't think of turning down a job for the lack of a permanent safety system as long as the tower itself is sound.

-Steve K8LX

On 6/14/2016 3:29 PM, Ed Sawyer wrote:

I have seen probably 50 different ham tower installations representing well
over 100 towers and worked on probably a dozen of them (in addition to my
own).  I have never seen a ham tower with a full length steel safety wire
running on it.

I am not saying it's bad - its better - no argument.  But if someone is "not
working" on ham towers without it, then they are not working on ham towers,
end of story.

In any case, I am fully respectful of the choices made by N5IA.  Clearly,
they were processed decisions.

We can all learn from tragedies.  But jumping from free climbing at any
height and age danger to "won't climb without a full length running safety
cable" serves no practical purpose in the ham community.

Ed  N1UR


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