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Re: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25 & Mast lingth

To: Clifton Keely <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25 & Mast lingth
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 14:26:46 -0700
List-post: <">>
I had 3x 25G sections on a house bracket and about 14' of 2" x 0.375" wall 6061T6 exposed mast to a TH7DX, which probably is in the large size category for tribanders. Survived several hurricanes in E. Ma. Probably 80kts at my house. Although it was plenty strong enough, I would not use Al mast again, it is too bendy. I could tilt the tower over and went with Al to save weight against the raising tackle.
There is no structural advantage to more mast inside the tower beyond 3 
ft or so.  More doesn't matter either way.
How you reinforce the wall the bracket attaches to is important. Besides 
internal cross bracing of 2x8's on the studs, I structurally nailed a 
4x8 sheet of 3/4 ply down as the attic floor.  That diagonally tied from 
floor to wall bracket with a 6' long steel angle.  End walls on roofs 
have just a few nails top and bottom in the studs.  Structurally, a 
floor membrane should take the tower loads.  This is a bit harder if the 
room inside the bracket is finished space and your decorating police 
have a vote.
You don't want to cut an alloy mast at home except with an abrasive saw 
or a cobalt tipped bandsaw blade and plenty of coolant.
Grant KZ1W

On 4/17/2017 13:54 PM, Clifton Keely via TowerTalk wrote:
I am in the process of erecting a Rohn 25G to 30 feet with a house bracket.  My question is 
how long should the mast be within the tower?  I have a thrust bearing top plate and a good 
rotor for the load, but should the mast extend 2 feet below the top plate or 6 or 8 or 12 
feet.  Would there be a real advantage to letting the mast go below the next tower joint down 
(10 ft).  DX sells a high budget mast they they won’t cut, it is 22 feet long.  I 
don’t think I want to have a mid sized triband 10 or 12 feet above the top 
plate/thrust bearing.  My plan is to place the antenna at about 5 feet above the top 
plate/bearing  Speak to me someone who knows. Please.  All advice greatly appreciated.  Clif 

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