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Re: [TowerTalk] Digging The Hole

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Digging The Hole
From: jimlux <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2018 05:52:16 -0800
List-post: <>
On 2/9/18 11:04 AM, Joe Partlow wrote:
So I'm in the process of digging the hole for my tower foundation. I've dug
most of it out with a mini-excavator but now I have to climb down inside to
finish up the corners and such. the hole will be 4' X 4' x 6' deep. Should
I be worried about cave-ins?

It depends. What's your soil like?
if it collapses, how deep will you be buried?

If you're buried waist deep, you just have to wait til someone comes to dig you out (or you can dig yourself out with your hands).
If you're buried with your chest under dirt (i.e. the collapse knocked 
you over, or there's a big pile of dirt next to the hole, so the hole 
will be filled back up), you will likely die before someone can dig you 
out, even if they're standing there, shovel in hand, ready to start digging.
I'll readily admit that when I was younger and more ignorant, I climbed 
down into plenty of holes. I won't do it now.

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