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Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: grounding (again)

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: grounding (again)
From: jimlux <>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 13:11:55 -0700
List-post: <>
On 4/23/18 1:00 PM, Jeff DePolo wrote:
Since #2 AWG Solid Bare Copper seems to be the favorite
choice for grounding, can someone please answer these questions:

1) For grounding purposes, does it matter if you use
soft-drawn solid copper 2 AWG vs. hard-drawn solid copper 2 AWG?

Soft/annealed copper (I don't think "soft-drawn" is a correct term) is
preferred as it's more flexible and has slightly better conductivity.
Hard-drawn has a higher tensile strength making it useful for overhead power
and the like where it's under tension, but that's typically not a factor for

Bend it enough, the copper will work harden - but from a practical standpoint - use what's cheapest and/or easiest to work with.

The conductivity difference is irrelevant (you're not worried about a 1-2% change)

And I'd use stranded, rather than solid - it's SO much easier to work with.

For (lightning) grounding runs of 100' or more, is the
difference between 2 AWG solid bare copper and 4 AWG solid
bare copper that significant?

They'd both be very, very long for lightning - if above ground - if underground, they'd be essentially the same in terms of providing a "path to earth".

A 100' long grounding conductor run would be a pretty ineffective ground
unless it's buried and/or you're planning to install a bunch of ground rods
along that length :-)  Please explain the layout.

                                --- Jeff WN3A

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