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Re: [TowerTalk] SO2R or Multiop Contesting without interference

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] SO2R or Multiop Contesting without interference
From: kostas sv1dpi <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 07:46:33 +0300
List-post: <>
I know it can be done without interference. In EP6T were I was a member, we were working the 1st day with a hexbeam on 10, 15 and 20m! Interference in k3 was less than an 1S unit! We used 4O3A triplexer and high power band pass filters and w3nqn low power band pass.
In SZ1A (my club) we use dunestar low power band pass filters, stubs 
after the amplifier and monobanders. Also the interference is accepted 
except between 20 and 10m (not very usual situation and not bad but more 
than we would like).
My experience from SZ1A says that your problem is a switching power 
supply. Some years ago we had an ethernet switch. We tested the switch's 
power supply and it was quiet during rx. But the interference from 20 to 
15 was S9! Same between 40 and 20m. Searching I found the problem to be 
the switching power supply. It re-transmits the noise! An easy search to 
find such a problem is to increase the power and watch the problem. For 
example 5w - no problem, 50w - no problem, 100w - no problem, 200w -S9 
noise. This is not normal. If the problem was because of bad filtering, 
the interference noise would be more linear. For example 5w - no 
problem, 50w - S1, 100W S3, 200W S5 and goes on.
73 Kostas SV1DPI

Στις 29/5/2018 05:32, ο Timothy Coker via TowerTalk έγραψε:
Is anyone out there operating high power SO2R or Multi-Op without interstation 
interference (besides being on or very near a harmonic)?

I read reviews of various antennas, new filters, etc of having non-existant 
issues. However, in my limited experience it seems that tribanders will have 
these issues even with the latest high power triplexors and band pass filters. 
Even problems will arise at multi-tower stations with monoband yagi stacks 
and/or different direction facing yagi's.
Has anyone got the ability to say that they are trouble free on their various 
band combinations?
For instance, at home I have lots of interference when receiving on 15m and 
while transmitting on 20m. Same goes when receiving on 20m and transmitting on 
40m. For me, it can be both direction and/or antenna limited depending on what 
band combination and which tribander that I take out of the stack.

I'm curious about the true confessions that other operators have about what 
they are dealing with when transmitting on multiple bands at once? Have some of 
the stations got this under control? If so is it mainly the big property owning 
stations with many towers or have guys on 1-2 tower setups quelled this also?
Tim / N6WIN.

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