Operating at K5TR M/S this past weekend, I managed to get the Elecraft
K3 into lower sideband on 20 meters on three occasions. On all three
occasions, the situation was similar:
* TR Log 6.79 (I think)
* Band map on, dupes suppressed, short messages ignored
* For whatever reason, the CQ/xxxx marker was not being added to the bandmap
even though I was using ENTER to send CQs via the DVK. So, to create my
own marker I was periodically typing 00000000 into the call window, and
hitting space to dupe-check it.
* The switch from USB to LSB always occurred between the time I logged an
S&P station and when I had used the bandmap to get back to my run frequency:
- S&P station info in fields
- Ctrl-End |
- Arrow keys (multiple) | Switch occurs somewhere in
- Hit ENTER | here, maybe when I hit ENTER
- Call CQ by voice, as the program is
still in S&P mode
- Hit ESC several time to get back to
run mode
Of course, nobody expects LSB, so it took several minutes for the
poor ops below me to kindly tell me what I'd done the first time. This all
happened on Sunday afternoon, when we had 2500+ QSOs in the log.
Anyone else see this before with a Kenwood or Elecraft rig?
Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
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