Have you looked at the Omniangle antennas from PAR Electronics?
They also sell stacking kits
I have PAR Omniangle antennas for 6M, 2M, 220 and 432 and used all them as a
rover. I have been surprised at how well they perform. The 2M, 220 and 432
antennas are mechanically robust.
-Leandra AF1R
-----Original Message-----
From: VHFcontesting
<vhfcontesting-bounces+leandra=leandramac.com@contesting.com> On Behalf Of
Grant Hopper
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2025 2:56 PM
To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Cc: w3cmp <w3cmp@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] 222MHz Big Wheel Interest.
A couple of us here in Western WA purchased BigWheels and parts direct from
WiMo last year.
A couple of things we learned from that (research before and experience after
receiving): First is pay attention to customs fees. Second is that a single
Big Wheel is nice but other things do as well. Where the Big Wheel stands out
is with stacking a pair. I and another ham have stacked 2m and 70cm. The 6m
model is so large that I need to prepare space specifically for it if I were to
deploy a stacked set. Phasing harnesses aren't hard, but the one that WiMo
recommended was not correct. We couldn't understand why performance was
horrible until we actually examined the phasing harnesses we bought. They
weren't correct for that antenna and that setup. I forget the details at the
moment, but we ended up rolling our own so I'd recommend skipping WiMo's
offering if you're going to stack.
So I think the bottom line is that one should get a pair of 222 Big Wheels and
Speaking to Chris about the way WiMo might handle the order(s): my guess is
that they would want you to aggregate the "orders" but that they would ship.
This is what would work best and avoid any import fee ($800) The shipper would
collect that and it's not part of what WiMo charges (but they do charge for
shipping.) This shouldn't be at all hard for them to set up in their order
system if they were serious about selling one. It might be a hard sell though
as 222 isn't a world wide thing so there is somewhat limited appeal (to really
just the US.)
So, I'd work out with them a way that they can take the payment and such, and
you're simply a salesman for them, trying to get at least 40 units confirmed.
My gut is that even at a "new offering" price, a pair of 222MHz would be under
800, so I'd think that finding 20 people nationwide that want a pair would be
possible. I certainly would consider it if I saw confirmed specs from WiMo (in
other words, they built a stacked set as a test and did a real world
confirmation of the design.)
It would be interesting to see if someone in the US would license their design
(I think ti's a good, strong approach) and we could buy direct with no overseas
shipping, import fussing, and more simple than getting them from WiMo.
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 11:04 AM w3cmp via VHFcontesting <
vhfcontesting@contesting.com> wrote:
> Buddy - Wimo will make them. I'm not sure if they will ship them
> individually or whether I have to. Right now I'm just trying to find
> out if there is enough interest to proceed. Right now I've had
> interest in 3 wheels.73,Chris Patterson W3CMP Sent from my Galaxy
> -------- Original message --------From: Buddy Morgan <beamar@aol.com>
> Date: 2/14/25 1:51 PM (GMT-05:00) To: w3cmp <w3cmp@comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: 222MHz Big Wheel Interest.
> I can make that work. I currently have a M2 loop, side
> mounted, on my tower. I will sign up. Have you thought about getting
> them made, here in the United States? Maybe Terry at Directive Systems
> would be interested?Buddy WB4OMG
> On Friday, February 14, 2025 at 01:46:56 PM
> EST, w3cmp <w3cmp@comcast.net> wrote:
> Bubby: Diameter of the 2 meter Big Wheel is 3.7 ft; the
> diameter of the 432MHz Big Wheel is is about 13.5". Stacking distance is
> 5/8 w/l. Extrapolating the two diameters I would expect the diameter
> of a 222MHz Big Wheel to be about 26". The benefit of a Big Wheel over a
> loop is that the Wheel has more gain than a loop, just about dBd. A
> loop has less gain than a dipole because it is a dipole folded into a
> square shape.73, Chris Patterson W3CMP Sent from my Galaxy
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