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Re: [WriteLog] Wave file info needed

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Wave file info needed
From: "Eric - VE3GSI" <ve3gsi@sympatico.ca>
Reply-to: ve3gsi@canada.com
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 08:07:31 -0500
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
Hi Jim, you are not dense at all.

In addition to what Gary has said on folder location, you may need a file in
the \WaveFiles folder called 'silence.wav'. This ended up being the gotcha
in my setup when I received the same message as yours. 

Good Luck,
Eric - VE3GSI

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Senesac AL9A
> Jim,
> It sounds like you have somehow managed to ask WL to record 
> wav files of a 
> contest to a bogus location.  Wav file recording of a contest 
> is enabled 
> under Tools/Sound board options...  Check there to see if you 
> have the 
> 'Continuously Record Audio to file' button checked.  If so, 
> WL is trying to 
> start audio recording wav files of the contest, but the path 
> name that it is 
> using is no good.  Uncheck the box and do a Setup/Save 
> Configuration to save 
> the change.  This should stop the error messages.  Now check 
> to see if the 
> path name is messed up and needs to be corrected so that it will work 
> properly in the future for you.
> WL puts contest audio recording wav files into a folder named 
> AudioRecording 
> in the directory where WL is installed.  In my case it's C:\Program 
> Files\ham\AudioRecording.  Check to see if you have such a 
> folder.  If not, 
> create one.  Then go into your WINDOWS\writelog.ini file and 
> check the 
> [Configuration] section for the following line:
>  RecordingLocation=c:\program files\ham\AudioRecording\
> The path name may vary slightly in your case, but the 
> recording path must 
> correctly point to the AudioRecording folder for WL to 
> properly record 
> contest audio files.  By making sure the AudioRecording path 
> name is correct 
> WL should properly create audio wav files of your contests 
> for review post 
> contest should you decide to use that feature.  Good luck.
> Gary AL9A
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> > Recently I have been getting the message quoted below 
> whenever I start
> > WriteLog-
> >
> > "Can't set wave file recording to:C:\Documents and 
> > Settings\headrick\My Pictures\My Documents\WriteLog\WaveFiles"
> >
> > In the case that I should decide I want to do "wave file recording" 
> > what
> > do
> > I need to do.  What have I done that would indicate I want 
> to set wave 
> > file
> > recording to this place?
> >
> > Thanks in case of a helpful answer, and don't tell me how 
> dense I am 
> > since
> > I
> > already know that.  73  Jim w3cp

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