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To: writelog <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] MMTTY NOT WORKING
From: John Merrill <johnn1jm@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 07:12:27 -0700
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
Have you looked here for the other ini file?  C:\Users\your
name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Windows.  If the rttywrite stuff is
not there, copy it from the other ini file. Another way around all
this is to not install Writelog under program files but under c:\.

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 7:00 AM, Dave Earnest <k7jj@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have read earlier posts regarding Vista and MMTTY. I do not get the same 
> results as the other fellows as far as two .ini files, etc.
> RTTYrite comes up, but not the MMTTY panel. It worked before for years; no 
> problem.
> I recently upgraded to DX4WIN 8.04 and Writelog 10.76H.
> I removed both MMTTY and the MMTTy Plugin and tried again with negative 
> results.
> I am running Vista 64 bit. I recently had to do a clean sweep of the hard 
> drive, but backed up everything first to an external HDD.
> Any ideas on how I should approach and fix this problem?
> Here is what my writelog.ini file shows at this time:
> [Install]
> Directory=C:\Program Files (x86)\WriteLog\
> [Configuration]
> WaveFileLocation=C:\Users\Dave\Documents\WriteLog\WaveFiles\
> RecordingLocation=C:\Users\Dave\Documents\WriteLog\AudioRecording\
> DataFiles=C:\Users\Dave\Documents\WriteLog\contest\
> [Report]
> [Multipliers]
> Location=C:\Program Files (x86)\WriteLog\Programs\
> CallPrefix=K7JJ
> [Summary]
> MultNames=Sec,Dx,ITU,DX,Mul,Zn,St,Grid,ZN,MUL,Ca,Co,Pref,HQ,Sta,Prov,DXCC
> QsoNames=QSO,CW,PH,RT
> [GreatCircleLookups]
> RussianDX=cty_rus.bin
> NA_cty=NA_cty.bin
> VK_cty=VK_cty.bin
> CustomTnc1MenuEntry=MMTTY
> CustomTnc1ProgId=WriteLog.WlMMTtyTnc.1
> Dave Earnest
> k7jj@arrl.net
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