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Re: [WriteLog] MMTTY separate temporary from WRITELOG

To: G <rigel001@sympatico.ca>, "[WriteLog]" <WriteLog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] MMTTY separate temporary from WRITELOG
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists@subich.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 14:34:31 -0500
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
WL being hooked to MMTTY by MMTTY plugin we do not have access to com
port in MMTTY to temporary configure it to RX on its com and TX on
new com port.
That is not correct - one can set the port using the RTTYrite Port
menu and reinitialize the MMTTY plug-in if using the *old* SM6SRW
plug-in.  If using the new XMMT.OCX version of MMTTY, one can set
the FSK Port to *none* in the RTTYrite menu and select the port in
the MMTTY configuration dialog.

> I use WL on com 1 for RX no TX and com 2 for TX.

I do not understand why you would use two ports for Writelog.  CW is
supported on the same port as radio control so one only needs two
ports for radio control, CW, PTT and RTTY.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 1/21/2014 11:31 AM, G wrote:
I do not have and use winkey.
I use WL on com 1 for RX no TX and com 2 for TX.
I have one com port (com 1 as default on my desktop and I added another com
port card with 2 com port ) so I have another free com port but WL being
hooked to MMTTY by MMTTY plugin we do not have access to com port in MMTTY
to temporary configure it to RX on its com and TX on new com port.
I make that research because I would prefer not to buy another software.
Gilles   ve2llx

-----Message d'origine-----
De : WriteLog [mailto:writelog-bounces@contesting.com] De la part de Joe
Subich, W4TV
Envoyé : 21 janvier 2014 08:53
À : writelog@contesting.com
Objet : Re: [WriteLog] MMTTY separate temporary from WRITELOG

One can do CW/PTT on the radio control port and free the separate CW port
for FSK, use a K1EL WinKey (USB) for CW and PTT freeing a serial port for
FSK (RTTY), or use AFSK *all* without the need to open/close a separate copy


     ... Joe, W4TV

On 1/21/2014 8:23 AM, john@kk9a.com wrote:
Why not add a second COM port exclusively for RTTY.

John KK9A

To:      "WRITELOG goupe" <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject:         [WriteLog] MMTTY separate temporary from WRITELOG
From:    G <rigel001@sympatico.ca>
Date:    Mon, 20 Jan 2014 23:37:37 -0500

Sometime I browse on all HF bands for DX spots from web cluster sites.

My writelog is configured fo CW and if needed rapidely I close WL
temporary and open MMTTY.

Can we configure MMTTY to have access temporary to com port setting,
entering a com port, working on bands and when terminated removing
those temp configurations & return to WL CW settings as it was ???

Gilles   VE2LX

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