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Total 48 documents matching your query.

1. [AMPS] ZSAC for a pair of 3-500ZG's? (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 23:27:13 EST
Good Evening; I just repaired a Henry 3KA for a friend. It had suffered a sorted tube, and blew apart the HV current-limiting resistor (25ohm/25w) and plate-current trip-out adj. resistor. I replaced
/archives//html/Amps/2000-03/msg00425.html (8,051 bytes)

2. [AMPS] Need Documentation on Henry 3K Classic (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 10:37:42 EST
<< I bought a Henry 3K Classic RF deck recently. The 2K-4 is essentially the same amplifier as the 3K-A - only with a lesser anode supply. I think I have a 2K-4 manual in my file. If u need a copy, l
/archives//html/Amps/2000-03/msg00704.html (8,518 bytes)

3. [AMPS] Need Heathkit SB200 schematic (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 18:04:24 EST
Anyone have a jpeg scan of an SB200 schematic or know of a web site containing the schematic ? I am installing a Harbach soft key board and am having some voltage problems with trying to rectify one
/archives//html/Amps/2000-02/msg00000.html (6,597 bytes)

4. [AMPS] Re: SB200 schematic - thanks (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 23:26:08 EST
Thanks to all who sent and/or offered the SB-200 schematic. The response was overwhelming, so please accept my thanks here. It was a busy week at work, so I am just now getting caught up on email. I
/archives//html/Amps/2000-02/msg00079.html (7,488 bytes)

5. [AMPS] parts (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 22:42:26 EST
<< work. NO out of they Sorry about that, folks...he was operating out of his garage last time I ordered. Guess he finally sold out and went QRT.....end of an era! The choke is rated @ 10kv and weigh
/archives//html/Amps/2000-01/msg00109.html (8,603 bytes)

6. [AMPS] KM1H (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 09:35:45 EST
<< Carl called his old company Radiokit. He told me that he is now working 16-hour days on a microwave startup company. - Rich..., 805.386.3734, "Jeremy Electronics" seems to
/archives//html/Amps/1999-11/msg00075.html (7,656 bytes)

7. [AMPS] Enamel wire for winding torroids (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 11:23:17 EST
I have a question I was hoping someone could answer. I don't have my handbook here at the moment........ Does anyone know what the equivalent guage is to 1mm wire ? I am building a 4:1 transformer wh
/archives//html/Amps/1999-11/msg00077.html (7,053 bytes)

8. [AMPS] Enamel wire for winding torroids (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 22:41:33 EST
Thanks to all who replied with info on the wire mm to gauge conversion. 73 Eric -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests: amps-RE
/archives//html/Amps/1999-11/msg00126.html (6,761 bytes)

9. Fwd: [AMPS] HV choke/Creative Electronics (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 18:23:10 EST
--part1_0.aa43444c.2554c0de_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --part1_0.aa43444c.2554c0de_boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition
/archives//html/Amps/1999-11/msg00180.html (8,185 bytes)

10. [AMPS] Wanted: TL922 Parts (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 16:01:37 EST
Does anyone have a dead TL922 for parts? I need a Loading capacitor, and a set (2) of plate dissipation caps.. I prefer to call East Coast or Pac Parts LAST! Thanks Eric KK2ED -- FAQ on WWW: http://w
/archives//html/Amps/1999-11/msg00266.html (6,606 bytes)

11. [AMPS] 4CM 400,000A (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 22:46:39 EST
<< Checked out the specs at the EIMAC site: Filament 16.3 volts @ 600amps Typical operation: Plate 20,000 volts Screen 1,500 volts Plate I 45 amps Water cooled and 170 lbs. Anybody have some spare pa
/archives//html/Amps/1999-11/msg00336.html (7,301 bytes)

12. [AMPS] SB200 PS question ? (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 11:18:06 EST
I just picked up an SB200 from an estate sale that looks like it sat in a basement for 3 years! Anyway, upon firing it up, it appears to put out 500w into the Bird on a dummy load. After about 3 minu
/archives//html/Amps/1999-11/msg00388.html (7,939 bytes)

13. [AMPS] Wanted: TL922 parts (load capacitor, plate caps) (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:59:27 EDT
I am repairing a TL922 and need the following: Loading capacitor (1) 3-500Z plate caps/heat dissipating connectors (2) Please email me if you can provide either or both. Items I have for trade/sale:
/archives//html/Amps/1999-10/msg00331.html (8,005 bytes)

14. [AMPS] Wanted: TL922 parts (load capacitor, plate caps) (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:21:53 EDT
<< I am repairing a TL922 and need the following: I have heard of Tune capacitors getting toasted in 922s, but never a Load capacitor. - Rich..., 805.386.3734, It wasn't toast
/archives//html/Amps/1999-10/msg00368.html (7,839 bytes)

15. [AMPS] Henry 3KA console - tube filament problem (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:34:39 EDT
Hello all; I am attempting to repair a Henry 3kA console with a pair of 3-500Z's for a friend. Only the left side tube's filament is lighting. The right side is stone-cold. Doing an A/B swap still re
/archives//html/Amps/1999-10/msg00369.html (8,422 bytes)

16. [AMPS] Re: [Henry] Henry 3KA console - tube filament problem (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:10:06 EDT
Finally had a chance to get back to the Henry 3KA project. After removing the RF deck and inspecting the tube sockets and their connections, I was puzzled when all looked good, just as the ohmmeter p
/archives//html/Amps/1999-10/msg00659.html (9,224 bytes)

17. [AMPS] RJ-iA relay contact-life on CW? (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 11:08:14 EDT
<< BTW, I've not gotten any of Dick's messages on this subject from the reflector. I'm only getting them as quoted in Rich's replies. Are they being sent to the reflector? 73, Dick WC1M same here, th
/archives//html/Amps/1999-07/msg00097.html (8,757 bytes)

18. [AMPS] Need TL922 Parts (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 23:56:09 EST
Good Evening.... I am in the process of rebuilding a TL922 for a local club. Unfortunately one of the members decided to put his hands inside before I became involved. I am looking for a LOAD air-var
/archives//html/Amps/1999-04/msg00058.html (7,089 bytes)

19. [AMPS] Kenwood TL-922A Grid Current (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 23:05:13 EST
<< > What shunt resistors?? In an un -voodooed TL-922 there are no resistors, just a pair of grid chokes plus 220pf caps per pin. Those original chokes are too big, current and low resistance wise. I
/archives//html/Amps/1999-03/msg00050.html (8,245 bytes)

20. [AMPS] Value of Henry 3k console??? (score: 1)
Author: (
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 20:21:06 EST
Anyone know what a fair value is for 10year old "hardly use (less than 10hrs)" Henry 3k console with HD power supply and 160m? Unit has a 3cx1200a7. Unit was one of a dozen or so made for a group of
/archives//html/Amps/1999-03/msg00264.html (6,871 bytes)

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