I stand by my statement, "in a perfectly built tube you should see none" and "is not strictly normal" You say: "Most external anode tetrodes I'm familiar from the 4X150A to 4CX1500B can exhibit negat
I think it goes in the ceramic socket in the bottom right most photo and the two above it, with the red leads coming from the filament socket. -- 73 Ron KA4INM - All E-mail sent to this address shall
Here's a 500 Watt version: http://www.repeater-builder.com/projects/matchingstubs.html -- 73 Ron KA4INM - All E-mail sent to this address shall linger in the Google cloud forever! ___________________
I don't know, why not test it, can you find someone in your neighborhood with a Hi-potter that goes to ~50 kV? How does 2,050 MHz effect it? (mw oven) -- 73 Ron KA4INM - All E-mail sent to this addre
That's my style, plagiarize and modify, saves loads of time. [P&M Engineering] -- 73 Ron KA4INM - All E-mail sent to this address shall linger in the Google cloud forever! ___________________________
AB9GO said: "Works Great At Legal Limit on AM& SSB With" (sic) If Collins Corp. could build AM broadcast transmitters operating at 1 kW unmodulated carrier modulated by a PAIR OF 4-400s I don't see w
I have only driven there, but " Skycraft" in Orlando sells used parts, they mostly strip space coast, military and old test equipment for the parts, they might have what you are looking for. I have n
How about when the capacitor is charged to say, +1,600 Volts and the transformer's outingput is -1,600 Volts and then an inductive kick causes the transformer outingput to jump to 2,000 Volts or more
<< I'm with Carl on this one. Actually, the crimp N-connectors I use have center pins designed to be crimped *and* soldered -- there's a little hole in the side for soldering. I've found that there's
/*snip*/ We also need to take into account the fact that many HAM receivers do not reproduce 120 Hz well. When we started the earphones were connected between the plate of the AF amplifier and the 90
/*snip*/ We also need to take into account the fact that many HAM receivers do not reproduce 120 Hz well. When we started the earphones were connected between the plate of the AF amplifier and the 90