While the semi-annual dos vs windows discussion is going on in various forums now I figured this is a good time to unload some old hardware... The following are available for pickup only at my statio
Well, not all 'big guns' have infinite budgets. And I do have a yaesu hat, but got that at a hamfest somewhere after standing in line with all the other little pistols. For my station the mp and mk-v
Well, at some point the old 386's start to die... so last year I upgraded to all win xp machines with wireless networking, rigblasters, and n1mm logger for the m/m and so2r setups here. It does f-key
They are pushing dxsummit like it is a great dx spotting method. Unfortunately they have shown once again that it is not all that important to them. Since May 17th or so the IP tracking page has been
Someone can always find something wrong with the rules in any given contest. It favors someone, it cuts out someone else, it is biased toward these guys, etc, etc, etc... The way I see it you have 4
You may also want to look at the 70mhz IF amp change to improve sensitivity. David Robbins K1TTT e-mail: mailto:k1ttt@arrl.net web: http://www.k1ttt.net AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1t
My 2 cents worth.. I use 3 different types of filters plus stubs here. For the single band stations I use the ICE single band filters between the radio and amp, on the so2r station I use the model 41
The N1MM Logger will do RTTY(AFSK or FSK or with external TNC) and logs more contests than most (maybe all?) other loggers. See: http://www.n1mm.com. I use it here for M/M, M/S, and SO2R, for SSB, CW
How about this... If the fcc drops the cw requirement I think contesting will be one of the few reasons for anyone to bother to learn cw. Its not like many hams build their own very simple cw radios
Download a new FREE forever copy of N1MM Logger and see what you are really missing... for FREE! David Robbins K1TTT e-mail: mailto:k1ttt@arrl.net web: http://www.k1ttt.net AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz
Watch for big changes in this area soon. A new basic installation and automatic web update process are being tested that should make the whole process much easier. David Robbins K1TTT e-mail: mailto:
I'll agree with that. Just consider the value of what is being protected by this pki encryption with systems that handle much higher value data.... like cash! I can get to my bank and deposit, trans
wrong, with the on-line brokerage there is no pre-existing account. The whole thing was done on-line except one paper transfer from me to them, the initial check. The same is done with paypal or eba
it is secure enough for me to handle my personal finances which are much more important to me than any number of qsl cards. If it really were so insecure why aren't there daily reports of banks gett
Remember a couple months ago I had a couple big insulators I was trying to figure out what to do with? Well BIG things are under way. So BIG that they now have their own web site: http://www.berkshir
Ouch! Don't be surprised if the web site is a bit slow, my poor little 128k isdn line is pumping its little bits out as fast as it can... but 700 hits last hour is probably a record for me. David Rob
Dupes? Is that qso count with or without dupes?? David Robbins K1TTT e-mail: mailto:k1ttt@arrl.net web: http://www.k1ttt.net AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net _____________________
I just remembered that my station isn't booked for cq-m this weekend. Presently set up for so2r so that would be the preferred type of operation, but that makes a nice m/s setup also. David Robbins K
This is not a new topic and has been hashed out many times in the past. yes, it is legal for lower class licensees to operate in m/m's, and no it is not '3rd party' traffic if they are outside their
however, many of us have been operating under the reading that was supplied by the arrl based on the original report and order, the discussion of which obviously provides more insight into the inten