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Total 469 documents matching your query.

301. Re: [CQ-Contest] CQWW impt notice: optional modification tocabrillo format (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann" <W5OV@W5OV.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 08:10:32 -0600
Ah yes, I stand corrected. Multi-single mult stations should not call CQ. (I don't do multi-single). CQWW rules are pretty specific "...The multiplier station cannot call CQ." 73, Igor UA9CDC _______
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-11/msg00166.html (10,224 bytes)

302. Re: [CQ-Contest] CQWW impt notice: optional modification to cabrillo format (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 14:08:09 -0500
The rest of the story is very simple (aside from my m/s CQing feaux pas) the issue is what if one of these m/s guys makes a QSO with a non-mult by mistake. Let's say it was V26O's multiplier station
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-11/msg00195.html (16,942 bytes)

303. Re: [CQ-Contest] Incomplete SS exchange (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann" <W5OV@W5OV.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 01:23:36 -0600
Suggesting that a rule be changed is OK. Suggesting that a rule be maintained as-is is OK too. Supporting violation of the current rules because you think the current rule should be changed is NOT OK
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-11/msg00233.html (12,869 bytes)

304. Re: [CQ-Contest] The importance of CHECKLOGS (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann" <W5OV@W5OV.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 07:03:35 -0600
Just to be clear, the following are my own comments / opinion and although truthful, my comments should not be construed as official commentary from any contest committee I may be a member of. For at
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-11/msg00356.html (12,009 bytes)

305. Re: [CQ-Contest] Opinion: SO-unassisted should not be using CW Skimmer (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:33:48 -0500
Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion; it is not necessarily representative of the official position of any contest committee I may be a member of. 1) I also do not see *ANY* difference between a l
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-11/msg00541.html (12,152 bytes)

306. Re: [CQ-Contest] Opinion: SO-unassisted should not be using CW Skimmer (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:48:10 -0500
Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion; it is not necessarily representative of the official position of any contest committee I may be a member of. Dave, It is my opinion that there is no circumsta
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-11/msg00542.html (13,936 bytes)

307. Re: [CQ-Contest] Opinion: SO-unassisted should not be using CW Skimmer (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 14:27:54 -0500
Dave, The point is if you're operating alone, you're a single operator and if you're not operating alone, you're a multi-operator by definition. It's really that simple. -Bob ________________________
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-11/msg00550.html (18,106 bytes)

308. Re: [CQ-Contest] Opinion: SO-unassisted should not be using CW Skimmer (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:08:13 -0500
Disclaimer: (repeated) This is my personal opinion; it is not necessarily representative of the official position of any contest committee I may be a member of. Dave - Thanks for the reminder - yes,
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-11/msg00559.html (22,078 bytes)

309. Re: [CQ-Contest] Opinion: SO-unassisted should not be using CW Skimmer (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 18:57:02 -0500
Dave, (continuing my non-official disclaimer) I'm seeing your point exactly, and this conundrum is precisely why I keep trying to re-focus the discussion back on the basic definition of what it means
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-11/msg00569.html (28,699 bytes)

310. Re: [CQ-Contest] Good "Bad" Calls (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann" <W5OV@W5OV.COM>
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 07:59:01 -0600
Ken, You're making a conclusion about "-B" calls in the UBN that is incorrect. A "-B" callsign is not necessarily an invalid callsign. It might be invalid, but in many (perhaps most) cases the "-B" d
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-12/msg00017.html (9,061 bytes)

311. Re: [CQ-Contest] Antenna slippage on mast (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann" <W5OV@W5OV.COM>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 17:10:11 -0600
Guy, So, is what you're saying that the 20m antenna is slipping on the mast? I think that you have the 15 on the same mast, but from what you said, it's not clear. To stop it moving, you need to eith
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2011-12/msg00077.html (9,308 bytes)

312. Re: [CQ-Contest] Explanation of software question (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann" <W5OV@W5OV.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 06:42:30 -0600
Just curious why you consider connecting your radio to your PC as something that is not easy? It's either a RS232 cable or a USB to RS232 cable and it takes almost as long to write about it than to d
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-01/msg00064.html (10,283 bytes)

313. [CQ-Contest] P43JB SK (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 14:04:39 -0500
QSP de AI6V: It is our sad duty to report the passing of Johan (Joop) Bok at approximately 17:00 GMT today, Thursday, January 19, 2012. He had a severely infected kidney. When the doctors tried to re
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-01/msg00105.html (7,082 bytes)

314. [CQ-Contest] Bavarian Contest Club Award Presented to AD1C (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 13:26:08 -0500
At the end of the recent ARRL SSB DX Contest operation at K3LR, the traditional post-contest dinner for the operators was held on Sunday night. At the end of dinner, Chris Nufer DK9TN, on behalf of t
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-03/msg00045.html (7,444 bytes)

315. Re: [CQ-Contest] Bavarian Contest Club Award Presented to AD1C (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 16:01:11 -0500
In the photo: AD1C is on the left and DK9TN is on the right. _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-03/msg00048.html (8,580 bytes)

316. Re: [CQ-Contest] MMSN Protection Petition (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann" <W5OV@W5OV.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 04:44:56 -0500
Just to be clear, this petition is not on the ARRL web site; this is on KE4CRR's ISP so don't let the "ARRL" in the petitions' URL listed below fool you into thinking the ARRL is involved in this. Th
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-03/msg00229.html (9,529 bytes)

317. Re: [CQ-Contest] 2012 WPX SSB - category question (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann" <W5OV@W5OV.COM>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 07:06:45 -0500
If you look at a cluster at all during the contest, by definition you're assisted. Confirming callsigns using such methods even after the contest is considered cheating as well, so just log what you
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-04/msg00027.html (9,729 bytes)

318. Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote Control in Contests (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:23:21 -0400
Pete, Thanks for quoting the pertinent rule. That rule needs to be changed. The "remote operating point must be located within the same DXCC entity" doesn't serve any purpose and this Azores operatio
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-04/msg00116.html (13,006 bytes)

319. Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote contesting Questions (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:35:44 -0400
You cite "traditionally" as a reason to refute Mike's assertion. Didn't we traditionally use paper logs too? Seriously, where do you draw the line of demarcation to what is embraced as a new developm
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-04/msg00153.html (10,123 bytes)

320. Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote Control in Contests (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 17:27:39 -0400
No, it does not. The RF is not changed at all. It is as someone else said, where the mic cable (or other devices - key etc.) is extended by the Internet between the operator and the radio. So, to the
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-04/msg00166.html (10,504 bytes)

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