DXCC counts *entities*, not countries. Alaska qualifies as a DXCC *entity* under the following rule: "2. Geographic Separation Entity A Geographic Separation Entity may result when a single Political
Generally, in any contest where the call area counts as a multiplier, it seems to make sense that you should use the suffix. The WAEDC rules don't seem to explicitly require this, though, which I fin
A VPN is unlikely to help with packet-loss/delay-spikes *unless* those are caused by traffic prioritisation somewhere in the network path, and VPN traffic happens to be prioritised higher than whatev
Don't know about contesting, but this is being done already; http://www.remotehamradio.com/inquire/ Merits of that particular implementation aside; I believe that the intent of the FCC rules is to pr
Hi Al, I blew up a 10m DuneStar a while back. It's pretty obvious where the failure occurred: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/oZ9rdbYbS8Q_7L28R650ENMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink I haven
The way I read the CQWW rule, RBN is an *example* of a "technology or other source that *COULD PROVIDE* call sign or multiplier identification along with frequency information to the operator". If it
Hi Ron, Don't apologize for disagreeing - if we all agreed all the time, the discussion would be pointless! :) In my interpretation, the intent of the rule is to prohibit use of any technology that w
Hi Hans, The usage I'd envisaged was use of a URL like this: http://www.reversebeacon.net/dxsd1/dxsd1.php?f=0&t=dx&c=K0HB 73, ~iain / N6ML On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 6:15 AM, Hans Brakob <kzerohb@gmail.
Perhaps ... but I think you're really twisting the words. It seems clear to me that the *intent* of the rule pertains to informing the operator about the frequencies of stations that are CQing, which
http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2012-06/msg00321.html What makes you think it's "too good to be true"? It's just a few audio amps ... hardly "rocket science"! 73, ~iain / N6ML _
I used to use a footswitch on the CW-key input for amp tuning, so I could key down with my foot while using two hands on the knobs on the amp..... 73, ~iain / N6ML ___________________________________
Withholding the exchange *until the running station sends a correct exchange to you, including your correct callsign* seems like a reasonable thing to do to me. If you give your exchange before recei
http://www.howtogeek.com/186775/how-to-download-windows-7-8-and-8.1-installation-media-legally/ "If youre looking for the Enterprise edition of Windows 7, you can download a 90-day free trial of Wind
I use ERC's, embedded in the original controller boxes (just a few wires connected to the switches and the direction pot). http://schmidt-alba.de/eshop/index.php?cPath=1 73, ~iain / N6ML ____________
Should note that the EUR66 ERC-M (USB) does NOT include relays, and you need relays for use in a Ham-M/T2X controller. The "Rotorcard Kit for ERC-M" is an additional EUR21, or you could build your ow