Andy, you make a good point that some folks participate in contests for reasons other than to rack up a big score. I'm in Indiana and I have a 9 call. A couple of years ago, I was working the Illino
There's a Microham support group on Yahoo Groups that is run by Joe Subich W4TV, the U.S. importer for Microham. He might be able to help you. I can understand a manufacturer's reluctance to release
"Dayton HamventionR General Chairman Jim Tiderman, N8IDS, is downplaying talk arising from an October 2 television news report and a more extensive and detailed October 3 Dayton Daily News article, t
Agreed. DARA owns the rights to the Hamvention name and they are free to do what they want with the event. Whether we attend or not is up to us. space. This is where I disagree. Granted, the flea ma
I generally prefer email lists vs. on-line forums. An on-line forum requires that I go someplace on the web to find the conversation. I have to be running a browser and I have to point that browser t
"Professional" contesters in "amateur" radio seems to be an oxymoron. None of us should take ourselves too seriously. Bob... the Sunday radio _______________________________________________ CQ-Contes
Google found web sites for both events taking place this weekend. I heard a guy on 20m RTTY calling CQ in the VA QSO party. Bob... ________________________
It's not a matter of having no opinion. It sounds like some survey participants very definitely have an opinion. It's just that their opinion doesn't line up with the survey question options. The cho
My key take-aways: of my control Hara Arena is unable to sign leases not only to myself but to other tenants." "Hara Arena is unable to sign leases" for future activities at the arena? Does this mean
Don't forget HAM RADIO Friedrichshafen and the Tokyo Ham Fair. True amateur radio conventions/expositions with an international audience. Look at how many new radios in recent years have first seen t
The Orlando Hamcation is held at the Central Florida Expo Park which I think is much more than a midwestern county fairgrounds. The Main Exhibit Hall there is 36,000 sq ft of air conditioned space. T
I'll offer up a couple of anecdotal situations where the infrastructure-based communications services failed: 1. In August 2011, a strong gust of wind from a nearby thunderstorm blew down the tempora
The week before the contest make sure your radio, antenna, amplifier, microphone, headset, logging system, etc., are working flawlessly before the contest starts. Trying to troubleshoot station techn
ARRL sections are generally based on the amateur radio population in the area, though I think geography comes into play also. To form a new section, you'll have to start by talking to your Division D
I can see the point of using Field Day to expose non-contesters to contesting. But, I don't get that much pleasure, myself, from operating in Field Day. I operate in other contests if I want to beat
Maybe an effort should be made to reduce the time it takes to get results published. I understand that logs have to be checked, etc., etc. Back when I was sports car racing, I generally knew when I c
And ya know, I don't have a problem with this. I'm not a CW operator. I don't participate in CW contests. Oh, sure, I could load a CW program in my computer and let the computer decode and encode CW
Maybe that's where the problem lies. The amateur radio community in the U.S. apparently has not done a good enough job over the years educating the U.S. public about the value of amateur radio for pr
I think we are venturing a bit off topic, but I couldn't agree more. I recently had a conversation with a fairly new ham that actually restored my faith in our future. He had purchased a radio from m