I'll be in Guanujuato, Mexico (near Monterey) the week before FD. Any one down that way need a field day op? Can also do the Dallas area if any one needs me. Gary K7FR -- CQ-Contest on WWW: http://ww
Ah...the truth comes out!!!! S&M at FRC!!! This could be a great piece for the Rikki Lake Show: Hams: Pain and Pleasure at High Frequency. Gary K7FR.....I'll stick to Coke/Dr. Pepper....my YL would n
I have to echo what Randy says. Billy has done a good job making sure that e-mail received is acknowledged. With the departure of Warren and the turmoil that appears to have followed it would be unde
Ron, I don't think that 2 radio ops have a huge leg up on single radio ones especially out here in the Northwest. Other station equipment plays as big or bigger role than a second radio. I found that
Not so! VHF/UHF doesn't cut it out here (despite the best efforts of Jay, WS7I). Even with Internet access via telnet to clusters not everyone has access. My ISP wants multiple limbs to provide me wi
A question for all you contestors that bulk QSL (meaning that you print up or have printed labels/cards for all Q's during the contest season and send them out all at once): Do you make arrangements
Looking brave souls to venture into the hinterlands of Eastern Washington for either or both CQWW extravaganzas. M/M or M/S. Last year one of the brave souls awoke Sunday morning to a raging blizzard
My body says not so! If I can get 2 to 3 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period I can go for a long stretch of days at that pace. Less than that and I can't function worth a darn. I've got to have at lea
One problem I had during the just completed CQWW was that the DX stations on 40 were very very lax in giving out their RX frequency. I guess with the advent of wide spread packet spotting networks th
I'll be in Reno 11/5-11/7. Any Reno contestors out there to schmooze with??? 73 Gary K7FR -- CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/ Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@cont
As I sit here staring out my office window I noticed that the city garbage truck was made by Heil. My question: is this the the same Heil that makes our beloved boom mike-head sets? You all have fun
Looking at stacking a second KT34XA to improve my score. K7IR waxed us in SS and the only visible differences between his setup and mine is he has stacked tri-banders and a bigger amp. Anyone TIC Rin
Using 2 radio/single op provides some most unique opportunities to observe some most flagrant violations of the "one signal on the air at a time" SS rule. Some big guns do it....it's a fact, I don't
Our system dispatchers played around with wireless head/mic sets for awhile and finally settle on using a Motorola system using 450Mhz HT's and a receiver slaved to the console. They dumped the syste
Missed some interesting mults in the 10M test.....and here are some possible reasons: Arkansas - All been arrested for political hanky-panky. Nevada - Bet on no sun spots and lost. Iowa, Nebraska - P
Has anyone received confirmation that their SS/160/10 e-mail sent logs ever got there? I'm 0 for 3 and getting really concerned. A large HUZZAH! for CQWW and their positive feed back loop. Gary K7FR
Hmmmm.......guess if I'm DQ'd for letting my YL or harmonic units contest using the other radio and antennas then so be it. This is a spirit of the rules vs. the letter of the law thing and if the AR
Silly me.......I had an opportunity to run this past our corporate lawyer: H.A transmitter used to contact one or more stations may not subsequently be used under any other call during the contest pe
I have a G1000 turning my KT34XA. I have had no problems with it at all. I did break the mast clamp while installing it (a common failure), called Yaesu and got a new one for free (without asking!).