How about sending cut letter for E? May I simply touch my paddle without even sending a (very short) dit? 73, Mirko, S57AD -- Mirko S57AD _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest ma
Thanks, Ken :) Another doubts: shall I send leading zeros in front of cut E? 73, Mirko, S57AD -- Mirko S57AD _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list CQ-Contest@contest
I kindly disagree. TEST at the end gives me time to fill your call into call window of my logger to see whether it is a dupe. If I call first sometimes (quite often) I screw things with your exchange
Hi Doug, try German LM software (you can download it freely at I use it regularly to convert random files into Cabrillo (or other formats). 73, Mirko, S57AD -- Mirko S57AD
Sad news indeed. In late 70's I QSOed Lew pretty often on 15 and was to clone his famous quad antenna - project I have never finished since I moved from Montenegro to Serbia those days... R.I.P. Lew,
Amen! It was even me who some 30 years ago moaned about computer logging & keyin, unles I begun to use it as well as soon as I bought my first 286XT PC machine :D 73 Mirko, S57AD -- Mirko S57AD _____
Or OptiBeam OB 11-3, if available in your country. Nearly same as SkyHawk, with one element more on ten. 73, Mirko S57AD -- Mirko S57AD _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mail
RIP Jim. We often chatted on Skype, but, AFAIK, we didn't QSO on any of contest bands... Mirko, S57AD -- Mirko S57AD _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list CQ-Contest
Ria, as for log checking, try with W3KM CabEval app, it works great for lot of contest. And author is very cooperative! Don't know what to suggest about contest robot tools... 73, Mirko, S57AD -- Mir
Ria is nice name and easy to copy! 73 Mirko, S57AD -- Mirko S57AD _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list
Club stations and simple minor contests, especially local ones held on 80m were extremely valuable recruiting young contesters in former Yugoslavia as well, and the last several pages of our ham radi
TAC (TOPS Activity Contest) - you get QSO credit just for Qs with stations who submitted their logs. Beside that, you get zero points/mults if other side busted your call and/or exchange. 73 Mirko S5
Hello, recently, I was years long user of TRLOG by N6TR and get used to ESM routine. I set Auto Send Threshold to 4th character, so if I entered E7DX, TRLOG starts to send his call, followed by RST &
Thank you, Dimitri. I do use this feature, but miss feature from TRLOG - I wouldn't need to go back to call field but could type corrected call in exchange window. But, more or less it is matter of h
S55HH is a bit longish... 73, Mirko, S57AD -- Mirko S57AD _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list
How about vegan subcategory? Mirko, S57AD -- Mirko S57AD _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list
Occasionally I warned some guys the have bad clicks. In most cases they retort "I use first class radio, the fault is on your receiver." So I garee radios (especially first class ones9 should be addr
Most of contest log checking softwares do turn calls into "standard call format" so both N7MOT/DU6 and DU6/N7MOT will be treated the same during log checking process. 73 Mirko, S57AD -- Mirko S57AD _